Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Corporations and Cybersex

Corporations and Cybersex

Is it safe to send, from one’s home or office, sexually explicit e-mail messages to a colleague? Is cybersex between office colleagues a form of adultery? How should corporations deal with the problem? How should Fox News Network deal with Bill O’Reilly’s situation?


  1. Sexual harassment in the workplace is serious problem. It should be taken seriously.

  2. I think it is clearly unafe to be sending sexually explicit stuff to colleagues. There are so many different types of viruses that allow hackers access to what people write to each other and if it gets into the wrong hands it can cause so many problems. It is not safe to share that kind of stuff over the internet anymore. I think some could consider cybersex adultery, I personally dont think it is, but I can see why people would consider it. It is not much different than physical sexual activity. I'm sure if I had a wife and she found out I was doing cybersex with a woman at the office she would consider it cheating and get rid of me. There really isnt much corporations can do to control it or anything. It would be a breach of privacy if they were to monitor what people are doing on the computers and on-line. All they can really do is make their disapproval of such activities well known and punish anyone caught doing it accordingly. Bill O'reilly is not guilty, yet. I dont think Fox should do anything until the facts are set straight. Too often large companies get a situation like this and fire the accused to cover than own behind and show the public that they will not have offenders working for them. Alot of times the person is innocent and is wrongly accused and fired. I think Fox can do a private investigation if they want, but should not do anything to O'reilly until he is found guilty.

  3. In the world of computers today, it is not safe to send any information, you don't want other people to find out through email. The email system is not safe from outside people hacking into it. If you send an email from a network of a business they are able to read the message. This makes it unsafe for people to send sexually explicit emails to each other while at work. They shouldn't be doing such things at work but if they do the management could read the emails. I feel that cybersex between office works is ok as long as it doesn't take place at work or during the work day. If they do it on there own time at home, there is nothing wrong with it. However, if they use business computers to do it, then they are wrong. I think if it is a problem for corporations they should randomly check peoples emails and other internet actives during there work day. The Fox News Network should remove Bill O'reilly till he is cleared of any wrong doings. The crimes held against him are very serious and need a polive investagation.

    Joel Freidank

  4. Sure sexual activities are restricted at work and that would have to include cybersex. If two people wish t odo something like cybersex while they are at home on their own time then that would be fine. But when you are a work you are there to do a job not have cybersex over the companies network.
    As far as cybersex being cancidered adultery it all comes down to the people involved. I could see how your wife/husband would get pissed off. But I really wouldnt consider it to be adltry. There is no actual physical contact made between the two people. Its not like your going to be sitting at home one day wit hyour wife and have some lady come up to your door and say "SURPRISE IM PREGNANT AND IT'S YOUR KID". That just cant happen. So i myself wouldn't really concider it as adultery. Now it could be sexual harassment. But that would be hard to prove unless the other person never returned your messages.
    Corporations have the ability to block all communications programs that would allow people to have cybersex at work. But if someone is caught at work doing that then they should be repremanded strictly or fired.
    I would have to agree with Joel, on Bill O'Rielly he should be suspended untill all this situation is straightend out. These are serious charges so before he digs himself a deeper hole which he will probably do with his mouth. He will go after everyone and anyone.

  5. Sure sexual activities are restricted at work and that would have to include cybersex. If two people wish t odo something like cybersex while they are at home on their own time then that would be fine. But when you are a work you are there to do a job not have cybersex over the companies network.
    As far as cybersex being cancidered adultery it all comes down to the people involved. I could see how your wife/husband would get pissed off. But I really wouldnt consider it to be adltry. There is no actual physical contact made between the two people. Its not like your going to be sitting at home one day wit hyour wife and have some lady come up to your door and say "SURPRISE IM PREGNANT AND IT'S YOUR KID". That just cant happen. So i myself wouldn't really concider it as adultery. Now it could be sexual harassment. But that would be hard to prove unless the other person never returned your messages.
    Corporations have the ability to block all communications programs that would allow people to have cybersex at work. But if someone is caught at work doing that then they should be repremanded strictly or fired.
    I would have to agree with Joel, on Bill O'Rielly he should be suspended untill all this situation is straightend out. These are serious charges so before he digs himself a deeper hole which he will probably do with his mouth. He will go after everyone and anyone.

    Cosmo St. John

  6. When speaking of email communciation between home and office you enter two different matters. Home or personal use of email would be the safest for the individaul due to the fact that the email would be sent from a personal computer rather then a coporate computer. This fact would prevent personal information that could be tagged with viruses to only effect your personal CPU rather then causing problems across a network that a coporation runs.
    When speaking of adultery through email that is something that would matter on the status of the two communicating but I would see nothing wrong unless outside individauls were affected.
    Many corporations already have protocol that each of their employee's must consent to unpon reciving a job. Many state that they we have to right to access and monitor internet and computer usage throughout to corporation with no limitations. This would protect the corporation from hackers or possible insider stealing of documents and information. This would allow the corporation to seize the actions of anyone on their network therefore elimating to chance of misuse within the corporation.
    I think that Fox should sit back and collect infromation about the matter because I personally feel that he is burying himself and that the truth will come out from him doing so.

  7. Cybersex is the exchange of real-time sexually explicit messages through the Internet. People send these messages to one another. These messages are not always to a husband or wife, but rather to another person. This could be considered a form of adultery.
    These messages back and forth can lead to relationships which my significant other
    would not like at all. Even if the messages are just innocent flirting they can do
    serious damage to marriages without anyone relizing it.
    These messages need to have some security aspect to it. A person feels safer when there is
    security. There is a satisfaction when there is security.
    When using a business or corporate computer, there is a possiblity that a person's relationships
    on line will be broadcasted over the whole system if something went wrong with the sending process or with the system. It would be inappropriate to have cybersex
    conversations while on a corporate computer. I think one's boss would not find these conversations
    appropriate while you are getting paid to do work.

  8. With everthing we know about surveillance, (dont know if I spelled that right) of course its not safe to send sexually explicit email between colleagues. The risk is high, especially in an office setting. I would consider cyber-sex a form of adultery. It may seem harmless to some people, but gimme a break. If my wife was having cyber sex, my trust in her would be destroyed. The corporation may not need to fire someone for committing a form of adultery, but committing it at work is different. Perhaps one warning would be appropriate before firing the person. I wouldn't say O'Reilly sould be fired, but its probably a good thing that this has been exposed, and it should be made clear to him that he will lose his position if it continues. It just doesnt look good for the corporation to have people havign cyber sex on the job. Not too professional. Ok see you guys later

  9. forgot to put my name down. this is Tommy Holmes. that last guy was me.

  10. Sexually explicit emails are part of life on the web and will not stop no matter what we do. I thin it is safe to send sexually explict emails. Peopl emigh tbe able to hack into any email we send but it is still that person own agenda if they want to send them. I think as long as people are sending the messages to poepl ethey know and will not be offended it is ok. As for those maessages in the office place I feel that sexaully explicit messages have to place there beccause it is a place of buiness not fun. MEssages that sexually explict might make a person feel harrased or make a hostil working environment. Cybersex between collegues is not adultery becuae there is no real contact involved also in cyber sex nothing is realing going on. I would say cyber sex is liek reading an adult magazine or an adult website. Corporations should not allow this behavoir at work becuae it takes away form work time and once again can make a hostil environment if someone feels offended. Corproations should discourge dating amoung employees too. Buinesses can put spyware on computers to moniter this. At the moment Fox news shoudl not do any thign about Bill O'Reilly. They should wait till his court cases are heard to collect al lthe facts because fox by firing him could eaily give him a bad reputation going it the trial. Also thi si the United States where poeple are rpoven guilty not guilty untill prven inocent.-- W. LaBelle-Boucher

  11. In response to Feidanks commment I feel that people have no buiness conducting persopn buiness on buiness computer, never mind sexual behavoir that could be defined as questionable. The work place is deffently not a place for this type of behavoir because it can lead to many legal problems and people feel uncomfortable in teh work environment. -- W.LaBelle-Boucher

  12. In response to Feidanks commment I feel that people have no buiness conducting persopn buiness on buiness computer, never mind sexual behavoir that could be defined as questionable. The work place is deffently not a place for this type of behavoir because it can lead to many legal problems and people feel uncomfortable in teh work environment.

  13. in no way is it safe for people working together to send eachother emails like that. it counts as adulery and or harasment. people at work are there to work not have cybersex with ther co workers. what ever goes on outside of work is their own buisness.

  14. in no way is it safe for people working together to send eachother emails like that. it counts as adulery and or harasment. people at work are there to work not have cybersex with ther co workers. what ever goes on outside of work is their own buisness.

  15. Sending sexually explicit e-mail messages to a colleague is clearly unprofessional. I think there's a time and a place for such activites and the workplace isn't one of them. The bottom line is that your being payed to work and sending explicit messages distracts you and your co-workers. If i were managing a business and found out my employees were exchanging such material on my time they would be warned or fired. On the other hand, if they are sending the messages from their homes and looking at the e-mails on their own time then i don't see anything wrong with that. I don't see cybersex betweeen office officials as adultery, some may but i don't. I think as long as they know to stay professional in the workplace, no one is at fault. I agree with Joel's statement, if there were to be a problem such as Billy O'Reilly's in the workplace then the charged parties should be suspended until found innocent or guilty.

  16. It is "safe" to send sexually explicit messages to a colleague from your home computer to their home computer, as long as the colleague is willing to receive messages with sexual content.
    If either are using work computers, or even work servers, during the communication then the communication likely goes against corporate policy. Anything that passes through the businesses servers could be looked at by managers/owners/anyone with access. This goes for any other servers which the messages passes through, so if this message is supposed to be a secret; bad idea.
    Sending sexually explicit messages against wishes of the other person is also unsafe, as it could easily be used in a sexual harassment case.
    Cybersex between office colleagues is only a form of adultery if either one is married, as the definition of adultery specifies such ( The definition also states that "sexual intercourse" must take place. Cybersex certainly qualifies, as a connection between persons, especially written/verbal, is considered a type of intercourse. Morally, cybersex is a form of adultery as it would constitute a breach of trust in the relationship between one of these workers their real-life, non-digital partner. It is not adultery, or morally wrong, when 2 single people engage in cybersex (in my opinion).
    Corporations should deal with the issue if it becomes a problem: work is not getting done, or people are feeling intimidated in the work place because of the sexual content of the messages a co-worker is sending them. Both parties should be suspended with pay, and an investigation should be started as quickly as possible. The results of the investigation would then lead to any further suspensions/firings necessary. This should all published as company before such an incident occurs, otherwise the company will have weaker legal grounds for such actions.
    I do not know what Fox News corporate policy for such instances like this is, but seeing as they have been in business for a long time, they must have some form of policy in place. They should do whatever their policy says, but should be fair to both parties: take the complaint seriously, but make sure O'Reilly is actually guilty before any actions regarding punishment are taken.

    -Matt Poitras

  17. Matt Tucker
    I feel that it is aafe to send sexually explicit e-mails to colleagues and would hope that privacy would be pritected if a party should be willing to engage in this kind of behavior. I dont think that cybersex between two colleagues is a form of adultry because thre is no physcal contact. I'm not saying that it is right for two married poeple to engage in this kind of act but I dont feel that it is adultry, it is more like flirting over the computer. when discussing the Bill O'Reilly situation I think that Fox News Network is going to hammer his guy for what he has done. However, I think that $60 million is far two much to suit a guy for because he maid a mistake. I think this lady is going to milk him forwhatever he is worth only because she has the grounds to do it on. I think that if he wasn't as wealthy as he is there wouldn't be a major problem like there is.....

  18. Scott Russell
    Given today's advancements in technology and the number of viruses on the internet i do not think it is safe to send sexually explicit material via e-mail to colleagues from home or work. I dont think that cybersex is a form of adultery but im sure a lot of women would probably disagree, it's only a persons thoughts not actual physical action. I don't think corporations can deal with this problem affectivly because it would be an invasion of the persons privacy if they were called out on sexually explicit content on there computer. I think that Bill O'Reilly should be temporarily suspended until the issue can be investigated further, he is only going to screw himself over by contiually running his mouth.

  19. Scott Russell
    Given today's advancements in technology and the number of viruses on the internet i do not think it is safe to send sexually explicit material via e-mail to colleagues from home or work. I dont think that cybersex is a form of adultery but im sure a lot of women would probably disagree, it's only a persons thoughts not actual physical action. I don't think corporations can deal with this problem affectivly because it would be an invasion of the persons privacy if they were called out on sexually explicit content on there computer. I think that Bill O'Reilly should be temporarily suspended until the issue can be investigated further, he is only going to screw himself over by contiually running his mouth.

  20. Scott Russell
    Given today's advancements in technology and the number of viruses on the internet i do not think it is safe to send sexually explicit material via e-mail to colleagues from home or work. I dont think that cybersex is a form of adultery but im sure a lot of women would probably disagree, it's only a persons thoughts not actual physical action. I don't think corporations can deal with this problem affectivly because it would be an invasion of the persons privacy if they were called out on sexually explicit content on there computer. I think that Bill O'Reilly should be temporarily suspended until the issue can be investigated further, he is only going to screw himself over by contiually running his mouth.

  21. Sending sexually explicit e-mails to a colleague from one's office computer is not safe by any means. Most corporations today have policies that entitle them to monitor their employees e-mail activity and there really is no expectation of privacy. No one should expect any e-mails they send from their office (sexually explicit or not) to remain private, as their superiors can read them at anytime. As far as sending sexually explicit e-mails to a colleague from one's home, besides being ridiculously unprofessional, it is probably safer than sending them within the office.
    As far as cybersex between office colleagues is concerned, I would definitely consider that adultery. It is a breach of trust within a marriage and can cause a lot of problems. Just because there is no physical contact does not mean that it is "harmless". When you think of criminals who steal credit cards over the internet or hack into servers and steal tons of money, although there is absolutely no physical contact, it is still a crime and they are punished none the less.
    I do not think corporations can do much more to deal with the problem of sexual harassment/cybersex in the workplace. Monitoring their employees e-mail activity and having laws in the workplace to punish those neccessary seems to be all that can be done. I think Fox News is handling the Bill O'Reilly situation very well. It has been made public and court will take care of the rest.

  22. The previous post was mine....Alicia Dutil

  23. It does not matter if certain explicit messages are sent between colleages because as long as they are not illegal, it is perfectly safe. It is not an act of adultery if colleages send messages back and forth because all they are doing is sharing pictures, there is no physical act being committed. Even though i believe that it is not adultery, it is still inappropriate within certain couples in todays society. if corporations seriously feel that this could become a problem then they should have certain guidelines to what is authorized in and out of their computers. If possible there should not be any type of activity unless it is company bussiness.

    Reuben Negron

  24. chase Jenne: With all the hackers and such out there, it is obvious in today’s world that nothing is safe to be sent over the internet. Sending e-mails, especially within a business you are subject to be monitored by business software. Although at your home it is unlikely to have this monitoring going on, there is still a chance your home computer could be hacked into as well, or even some one at your house might be snooping around and find something interesting.

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